Liz Legacy is proud to present our annual event, Cultivating Kids!

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Cultivating Kids

Saturday, April 12

All parents and caregivers are invited to learn practical skills from trusted local therapists to nurture the kids and teens in your life. 
In today’s fast-paced world, families often encounter a multitude of challenges that require thoughtful solutions. To support your family’s unique needs, we are pleased to offer the opportunity for each guest to select three classes. By choosing subjects that resonate with your family’s current situation, you’ll gain valuable insights and practical strategies that can foster growth, understanding, and resilience within your family!

Join us for a special weekend experience and a chance to learn practical skills from local family therapists to nurture the kids & teens in your life. 

Presented by Liz’s Legacy.

Featuring special guest speaker David Thomas from Raising Boys and Girls Podcast.

Sponsored by First Baptist Orlando.

The Friday evening event will feature one large group meeting with our special guest speaker David Thomas.

Saturday’s event will begin with a main session led by David Thomas, followed by your choice of two small group sessions on the topics you select. Lunch is included. Adults only please, no child care will be provided.

Friday, March 24 6:30pm | $10 (550 seats available)

Saturday, March 25 8:30am – 2pm, lunch included | $20 (250 seats available)

Note: Please be sure to purchase both tickets if you plan on attending the full event (Friday and Saturday). Tickets are final sale; no refunds.

Review class options and descriptions below. Please make a note of your preferred classes before continuing to the registration page.

Morning Session Options (10:30 – 11:30 a.m.)

The art of Nurturing Boys helps parents, grandparents, and educators understand and explore the hearts, minds and ways of boys and the vital role we play along his journey to manhood.  We will look at the different stages of his development and define what he needs from us in each of those stages.  This class is packed full of practical suggestions for how to parent, teach and discipline more in tandem with the way he is designed rather than in opposition to it.  Come enjoy some fresh insight and much-needed encouragement on the road to raising boys, from birth through adolescence.

We all have a “window of tolerance”  and when we are outside of that space we see undesirable behaviors.  These behaviors can be anxious, angry, aggressive(hyperarousal) or withdrawn, sad, zoned out, apathetic (hypo arousal).  Both care-givers and children experience these and it’s important to learn what not only causes us to be out of regulation but also keeps us in our desired “window” of feelings and behaviors.

Your kids are talking…..who is listening????   Learn practical strategies for communication with your kids so they will want to open up and talk with you.

How physical sensations and thoughts show us how we feel:   Join us as we share how to better recognize the ways emotions are expressed in children. We will discuss how a child’s physical sensations, thoughts, feelings and behaviors are all keys to uncovering what emotions are being experienced under the surface. We will also share a simple framework used to teach children how to put words to their emotions using other forms of expression.

Let’s talk about the strategies to help your Child’s “life-after-divorce” be better than you’ve hoped.  As the post-divorce dust settles, your child’s chances of leading a healthy, successful life are directly linked to how you and your spouse relate.

The art of Choice Giving:  Choice giving gives you, as the parent or care-giver, the ability to provide choices that are acceptable to both you and your child.  This workshop will guide you through the process of acknowledging your child’s feelings, maintaining firm boundaries, and identifying choices to help your child comply.  This has been shown to address the power struggle a parent will often feel, allowing the parent to experience healthy control instead of the helpless feeling that they are at the mercy of their child’s behavior.  This workshop is for parents of children and teenagers (and is effective with adult children).

A nurturing relationship is critical to the healthy social and intellectual development of our children. Trust Based Relational Intervention is an approach to parenting all children.  It assists parent to understand their child’s brain development, the effects of outsides influences, along with ways to strengthen the connection with their child.  This approach is relative to all parents including children who have experienced complex trauma, medical trauma, neurodiverse children… all children!  When purchasing a home professionals say location, location, location!  In the same way, in parenting relationships we say connection, connection, connection!

For expectant mommas, mommas to tiny humans and rugged toddlers:  The one thing every human has in common is that we all go through an infancy stage.  The quality and progression through each developmental milestone in combination with the care-giver’s role has a direct and profound impact on every subsequent milestone and age, far reaching into childhood and throughout adolescence.  “Knowing your why” in development will change how you parent from the very start of bringing your baby home.  This session will outline how you can foster an environment where you baby can thrive in a positive cycle of healthy eating, developmental play and good sleeping patterns AND how you too can thrive as the parents (together as a team).  God matched you with your little one without making a mistake.  Let’s take this journey together-there is not a better place to start than from the beginning when you bring your baby home.

Afternoon Session Options (1:00 – 2:00 p.m.)

Understand the science behind anger, How to distinguish between different types of anger in your kids, and learn practical strategies to de-escalate.

Our #1 way to build relationship with our kids is through PLAY!!!  In this workshop we will learn more about the benefits of play and experience different ways to engage in play with our children of all ages.  Attendees will identify how to address some common childhood difficulties through play.

Learn what happens to your child when their brain just doesn’t stop.  The big feelings, the big emotions and the fast-paced brain.  We will discuss different diagnoses on ADD/ADHD/ ASD and steps to help their emotional regulation, social skills development and relationship development.

How it looks:  Post Covid, there has been a tremendous rise in depression and anxiety in our children. However, children are developmentally different than adults, and so their expressions of anxiety and depression look very different. We often blame behaviors and actions on bad attitudes or them just being difficult when in reality, we can miss what’s just beneath the surface. Join us as we talk through anxiety and depression in kids, how it manifests, what signs we can look for, and how to help our kids work through it.

Understanding the difference between encouragement and praise can open your eyes to the power of shaping your child’s character in a profound way.  Encouragement facilitates development of self-motivation and self-control and teaches a child to learn from their mistakes, have confidence in themselves and accept their own inadequacies.  Encouragement provides a nurturing environment that gently guides a child from perfectionism (and needing external validation to feel good about themselves) towards a healthy self-esteem which is fueled by their own internal feelings of competence and confidence.  This relationship-changing workshop is for parents of children and teenagers. 

Are you struggling to stay ahead of technology and its place in your life, your child’s life, your family?  You are not alone.  Parenting has never been easy and now the widespread use of smartphones, other devices and social media has added a layer to parenting.  Let’s take a look at some of the pros and cons of media devices and social media and how to initiate and continue this conversation with your child.

Do you find yourself feeling frustrated, anxious and weighed down from your work more often than you care to admit?  Teachers, you spend so much of your energy caring for students.  Consider this workshop that is tailored to help you care for your own mental health.  Hear from a current mental Health counselor intern and a former teacher to learn ways to stay present and engaged in the classroom through brain science, self-reflection, coping skills, self-kindness and most importantly, awareness of your own life’s story.


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